2010 Southern California Tionól featuring Tom Creegan, Eamonn Dillon, Joe Kennedy, David Quinn, Michael Hubbert and Michael O'Donovan. Nov 5, 6 & 7
Standing: Fel Bautista, Wesley Mann, David Quinn, Scott Porteous, Ian Porteous, Joe Kennedy, Michael O'Donovan, Larry Dunn, Mike de Smidt, Dave Riddles, Doug Cross, Michael Eskin, Ted Anderson, John Ward, Dave Collins, Steve Pribyl, Eamonn Dylan, Gabriel McKeagney, Tom Creegan, Victor Fitzsimmons. Kneeling: Jamie Case, Tom Klein, Chadd Ferron, Tom Wolverton, Michael Hubbert, Brian McKeagney, Patrick D'Arcy, Sean.
A great weekend was had by all! Relaxing, entertaining and infinitely enjoyable! It was great to see everyone and hear them playing so well. Check back soon as more photos and coverage will be coming in.